
Heroic Adventure: Chapters in Recent Exploration and Discovery

London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1882


Preface [iii-iv]
[iii] The purpose of the present compilation is to bring before the public mind, in as vivid and popular a manner as possible, the great sufferings heroically undergone by some of our foremost modern explorers. It is due to such men, not only that their contributions to our knowledge of other peoples and countries, and their many services to the advancement of Science and Commerce, should be recorded on the page of history, but that the memory of the fearless courage, boundless enthusiasm, indomitable perseverance, and manifold perils and privations displayed and endured by them in the progress of exploration, should be kept in the minds of the people. […]


I. Schweinfurth and the Heart of Africa 1
II. Prejevalsky in Eastern Asia 50
III. Commander Markham’s Whaling Trip 98
IV. Vámbéry’s Dervish Disguise 128
V. Markham’s Arctic Sledging Experiences 161
VI. Major Serpa Pinto’s Journey Across Africa 187
VII. Nordenskiöld and the North-East Passage 221