Munro, John

Heroes of the Telegraph

London: Religious Tract Society, 1891


Preface [4]
The present work is in some respects a sequel to the Pioneers of Electricity, and it deals with the lives and principal achievements of those distinguished men to whom we are indebted for the introduction of the electric telegraph and telephone, as well as other marvels of electric science.


I. The Origin of the Telegraph 11
II. Charles Wheatstone 25
III. Samuel Morse 45
IV. Sir William Thomson 77
V. Sir William Siemens 115
VI. Fleeming Jenkin 143
VII. Johann Philipp Reis 175
VIII. Graham Bell 185
IX. Thomas Alva Edison 201
X. David Edwin Hughes 251

I. Charles Ferdinand Gauss 269
II. William Edward Weber 272
III. Sir William Fothergill Cooke 273
IV. Alexander Bain 277
V. Dr. Werner Siemens 281
VI. Latimer Clark 284
VII. Count du Moncel 286
VIII. Elisha Gray 288