A Book of Heroic Verse, Chosen by A. Burrell

Introduction [vii-viii]
[vii] This collection differs in one particular from the usual anthologies. It strives to show that heroic verse is the verse dealing with heroes, heroic character, heroic acts, quite irrespective of the nationality or century of the actors themselves. A patriotic hymn is a patriotic hymn, an heroic action is an heroic action, whether the hymn celebrate Thermopylae or Mukden or whether the action takes place outside Bethulia or Ladysmith. Indeed, until a short time ago, Leonidas was more real to British youth than either Wolfe or Clive, and this catholicity is an element in the mutual admiration which makes for world-peace, even though the songs be of war. It follows too, though this has, I think, been little appreciated in books on history or sociology, that it is impossible in such a collection to hide the transcendent merit of man as an individual. I do not say that collective heroism in unknown (for many of the pieces included in this book seem to show its possibility); but it appears to be clear that nowhere does the importance of the single personality show itself so brilliantly as in the individual act, word, thought. Even when, as in a stubborn defence of a town, or as in a sortie, or as in the unnamed, unknown heroism of families under agonizing stress, or as in the prolongation of a righteous strike – even when collective heroism seems demonstrated, it will surely be found that the dynamic thrust comes from a character, an attitude, a sacrifice. The crowning example of this is, of course, seen in the history of Christianity, the most absolute monarchy and the most individualistic creed which the world has ever [viii] seen. The hero is always in the minority; and heroic majority is unthinkable. This gives to heroic verse its sting and stimulus. […]
The Editor

Lays and Ballads of Heroism

No preface

The poems are sometimes framed by excerpts from newspapers and other publications which set the scene for the poem and give its heroic content authenticity.
The poems are mostly concerned with diligence, selflessness, (national) duty, hard work, and faith in God.